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Суббота, 27 июля 2024 года
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«Кто может - делает. Кто не может - учит. ..»
Закон Дж. Б. Шоу

Наши партнеры

Любые домены от "ТаймВэб". com/net/org/info/biz/name/us за 275 руб. в год. Бесплатные домены для клиентов хостинга. www.timeweb.ru/domreg.htm


Интернет-проект CRMatrix

Для ведущей консультационной компанией России БКГ менеджмент консалтинг разработан интернет-проект CRMatrix , посвященный решению задач по управлению продажами

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Визитная карточка

JPM Profit Technology Company maintains the leading position in the field of creation and introduction of efficient and easy adaptable business technologies which enable companies to maximize their profits and minimize their losses. Many years' experience of JPM Profit Technology Company in consulting business promotes rapid growth of corporate clients.

JPM Profit Technology Company has more than 700 clients throughout Europe, a great number of which are regularly listed among 500 largest companies according year's FT500 list.

JPM Profit Technology was established in 1989 through the merge of two firms. i.e. JP Business Solutions, engaged in the development of complex business models, and Murgan Technologies providing services in the development of efficient corporate financial systems. Merge of the two promising businesses resulted in the significant expansion of client network and establishment of attractive client services.

JPM Profit Technology has been being actively engaged in the development of new promising tools for business efficiency maintenance and cost reduction for different types of companies since 1996.

JPM Profit Technology owns a lot of patented management technologies, which are of high practical value to its clients.


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